माँ की ममता -
" माँ ही मंदिर, माँ ही पूजा, माँ से बढ़कर कोई ना दूजा ।"
माँ ही जगत जननी है, माँ ही काली, माँ ही दुर्गा ।"
जी हां मां के महत्व को शायद शब्दों में बयान नहीं किया जा सकता ।
मां वह जननी है जो हजार दुखों को सहकर भी अपने बाल बच्चों को ह्रदय से पालन पोषण करती है और उनके चेहरे पर हमेशा खिलखिलाता मुस्कान देखना चाहती है ।
नन्ही आंखें भी सपनों में भी मां की ही तस्वीर देखते हैं ।
माँ के प्यार और दुलार के लिए इंसान तो क्या भगवान भी लालायित रहते हैं, इसलिए पुराणों मे भगवान के बाल रूपों का मनोरम और सुन्दर वर्णन मिलता है ।
माँ के प्यार और दुलार के लिए इंसान तो क्या भगवान भी लालायित रहते हैं, इसलिए पुराणों मे भगवान के बाल रूपों का मनोरम और सुन्दर वर्णन मिलता है ।
मां के कृतित्व और समर्पण की गाथा को शब्दों में बयान करना सबसे बड़ी चुनौती है ।
सच है मां शब्द अपने आप में संपूर्णता को प्रकट करता है तथा वह धरोहर है जो अपने साथ आने वाली पीढ़ियों को श्रृंखलाबद्ध करती हैं ।
"माँ की ममता का मोल ना कोई "
मां और ममता की कोई सानी नहीं है, ममता और मां एक दूसरे का सबसे बड़ा अनुपूरक है ।
ममता तो हर प्रकार के संबंधों में निहित होता है परंतु मां के संदर्भ में ममता का एहसास अपने आप में अनूठा है।
" आंखें छलक जाती हैं जब मां तेरी याद आती है, लाख आंसुओं का समंदर भी कम है मां तेरी याद में क्योंकि मां तेरी ममता कोई मोल नहीं है। "
"मां जीवन दात्री है, कामायनी है,अर्धांगिनी हैं, ममता और प्यार की सबसे बड़ी मूर्ति है।"
कोई व्यक्ति इंसान कितना भी बड़ा क्यों ना हो जाए अपने माता-पिता के आगे उसका कद छोटा ही होता है ।
मां तेरा आशीर्वाद और प्यार है कुछ खास, क्योंकि मां तेरे दूध का कर्ज को कभी नहीं चुका सकता ।
मां एहसास है ममता और प्यार की निर्मल धारा है जिसके प्रताप से इंसान अपने संपूर्णता में आता है ।
इसलिए हर जननी की सबसे बड़ी चाहत मां बनना होता है, क्योंकि जननी की संपूर्णता तथा महानता इसमें निहित है ।
हर प्रकार के रिश्तो से बड़ा है मां का रिश्ता क्योंकि मां है कुछ खास, तुम हमारे बीच नहीं है फिर भी है एहसास ।
मां ईश्वर का वरदान है जिसके ममता का कोई हिसाब नहीं है ।
जगत जननी माता को शत-शत नमन ।
"Mother only temple, mother worship, there is no other God than mother."
Mother is the mother of the world, mother is black, mother is Durga. "
Yes, the importance of mother can hardly be described in words.
Mother is the mother who, despite enduring a thousand sorrows, nurtures her child children wholeheartedly and wants to see a smile always blossoming on her face.
Little eyes also see the picture of the mother even in dreams.
For the love and affection of the mother, does God even crave humans, so the Puranas provide a captivating and beautiful description of the child's forms of God.
The biggest challenge is to narrate the saga of mother's gratitude and dedication.
True, the word Mother manifests itself in its entirety and is a heritage that chains the generations that come with it.
"Mother's love for mother"
Mother and Mamta have no match, Mamta and mother are the biggest supplement of each other.
Mamta is inherent in all kinds of relationships, but in the context of mother, Mamta is unique in itself.
"Eyes spill when mother misses you, the sea of millions of tears is less in mother's memory because mother is not worth your love."
"Mother is Jeevan Datri, Kamayani, Ardhangini, the greatest idol of Mamta and Pyaar."
No matter how big a person becomes, his height is small in front of his parents.
Mother your blessings and love is something special, because mother can never repay the debt of your milk.
Mother realizes that there is a pure stream of love and love through which a human being comes in its entirety.
Therefore, the biggest desire of every mother is to become a mother, because the whole and greatness of the mother is inherent in it.
Mother's relationship is bigger than every kind of relationship because mother is something special, you are not among us yet you realize.
Mother is a boon to God, whose love does not matter.
Best wishes to the mother of the world mother
Mother is the mother of the world, mother is black, mother is Durga. "
Yes, the importance of mother can hardly be described in words.
Mother is the mother who, despite enduring a thousand sorrows, nurtures her child children wholeheartedly and wants to see a smile always blossoming on her face.
Little eyes also see the picture of the mother even in dreams.
For the love and affection of the mother, does God even crave humans, so the Puranas provide a captivating and beautiful description of the child's forms of God.
The biggest challenge is to narrate the saga of mother's gratitude and dedication.
True, the word Mother manifests itself in its entirety and is a heritage that chains the generations that come with it.
"Mother's love for mother"
Mother and Mamta have no match, Mamta and mother are the biggest supplement of each other.
Mamta is inherent in all kinds of relationships, but in the context of mother, Mamta is unique in itself.
"Eyes spill when mother misses you, the sea of millions of tears is less in mother's memory because mother is not worth your love."
"Mother is Jeevan Datri, Kamayani, Ardhangini, the greatest idol of Mamta and Pyaar."
No matter how big a person becomes, his height is small in front of his parents.
Mother your blessings and love is something special, because mother can never repay the debt of your milk.
Mother realizes that there is a pure stream of love and love through which a human being comes in its entirety.
Therefore, the biggest desire of every mother is to become a mother, because the whole and greatness of the mother is inherent in it.
Mother's relationship is bigger than every kind of relationship because mother is something special, you are not among us yet you realize.
Mother is a boon to God, whose love does not matter.
Best wishes to the mother of the world mother